Venray is a power duo from Washington, DC. Alternatively labeled as “surf-grunge” or “garage-punk”, venray’s sound has been described as “catchy af”. The duo is characterized by their sing-along melodies, giant hooks, and high energy, dynamic live performances, with songs ranging from breezy ballads to crunchy rippers that will appeal to fans of Pile, Car Seat Headrest, Wavves, and Top Nachos.
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Venray is a power duo from Washington, DC. Alternatively labeled as “surf-grunge” or “garage-punk”, venray’s sound has been described as “catchy af”. The duo is characterized by their sing-along melodies, giant hooks, and high energy, dynamic live performances, with songs ranging from breezy ballads to crunchy rippers that will appeal to fans of Pile, Car Seat Headrest, Wavves, and Top Nachos.