There is no better outlet than to be able to write, compose, and create a work of art that comes from deep within your soul, that you know has meaning to you. I want to be able to touch the lives of many, and show people there is light on the other… (read more)
Tip the Artist
Artist Bio
There is no better outlet than to be able to write, compose, and create a work of art that comes from deep within your soul, that you know has meaning to you. I want to be able to touch the lives of many, and show people there is light on the other side of the dark. I've made plenty of mistakes in my past, but it's only normal. Life didn't come with a 'how to' book. So you live and you learn. You make due with what you have and what you can. I intend to improve my life by following my dreams and doing what I love to do most! I intend to inspire people; show them that if I can follow my dreams, and become something better then so can they! It just takes a little bit of preservation, courage, integrity, and strength!