For all of Vanessa's friends out there who do not have a chance to come to Nashville, Vanessa is very excited to have concerts coming up on StageIt. Through facebook you can friend her at Vanessa Bransan and receive notices on upcoming shows!
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For all of Vanessa's friends out there who do not have a chance to come to Nashville, Vanessa is very excited to have concerts coming up on StageIt. Through facebook you can friend her at Vanessa Bransan and receive notices on upcoming shows!
Vanessa is a performing country music artist.
Vanessa has performed locally at various events, along with the Academy of Country Music Awards AllStar Jam concert, and Alive in the World Benefit concert with Ben Taylor. Vanessa has recently been spending her time in Nashville, TN performing at the famous Tootsies, Fiddle and Steel Guitar Bar, The Wheel, and other great locations!