Artist Bio
Summer XO is a girl. A girl who writes songs, then sings them while playing guitar and keyboard. It's not rocket science.
But it is authentic.
In the indie-pop style of Feist, Fiona Apple, and Regina Spektor, the music is… (read more)
Artist Bio
Summer XO is a girl. A girl who writes songs, then sings them while playing guitar and keyboard. It's not rocket science.
But it is authentic.
In the indie-pop style of Feist, Fiona Apple, and Regina Spektor, the music is clear-voiced with an inevitable lyrical twist.
When people ask what she sounds like, she usually says, "A girl." Her songs embody all the vulnerability, complexity, and strength of the female element.
Summer is also a visual artist. Her poster-size pastel paintings depict abstract female faces in a pop art style.
She is an American currently based in Los Angeles. Originally from rural West Virginia, she has also lived in Paris (FR), Philadelphia, Miami, Tampa, and Portland (OR).