My name is Byson Burt, also known as RedTintedFaith(my artist name). I was born sep 30, 2004 so as you know that means I am a libra but I just say that I'm me, no need to identify myself with signs and symbols. I am also a Christian, hence is where… (read more)
About Me
My name is Byson Burt, also known as RedTintedFaith(my artist name). I was born sep 30, 2004 so as you know that means I am a libra but I just say that I'm me, no need to identify myself with signs and symbols. I am also a Christian, hence is where I came up with my artist name. I didn't want to call myself "Lil Byson" I mean I'm so tired of all these Lil's in the music industry. So I said because my favorite color is red and I am a Christian but I struggle in my faith I decided to call myself RedTintedFaith. I found music during quarantine June 2020, this was after I attempted suicide and I didn't know what to do, how to live. So really I started writting sonnets and after that I showed one of my friends my work and he said that my sonnets sound like rap lyrics, and I was like really? and he said yes really. So now fastforward, after months of working on my rapping skills I release my first song under the name "Dysfunctional Families" and I used to call myself "God's_Sonneteer" but later I switched to RedTintedFaith. The song is now called "My Disconsolate Mind(interlude) which is on all platforms. Now my goal to make music that heals emotional wounds and pushes others to never give up on their dreams.