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Artist Bio
Forward by Richard Dashut
Kalsey's story is so refreshing and special, I thought I would tell it in my own words. I know I have but little of your time, so I will try to make something I've learned over three years rather brief and to the… (read more)
Tip the Artist
Artist Bio
Forward by Richard Dashut
Kalsey's story is so refreshing and special, I thought I would tell it in my own words. I know I have but little of your time, so I will try to make something I've learned over three years rather brief and to the point.
The story really starts in a small town in Northern Canada, within the Saskatchewan Province. The town of Hudson Bay has a population of 1,500, and on July 23rd, 1990, one more female soul was added to that list. Hudson Bay is a beautiful town unto itself, but to this point has never really been known for bestowing its grace upon the rest of the world. However, on this day destiny would serve both Hudson Bay and popular music with fresh new songs and a crystal clear, melodic vision in which to express them.
At a young age, Kalsey's mother and younger sister Krista saw enough talent in Kalsey to encourage her to perform in talent shows, singing competitions and television shows. When I say young age, I'm talking about four years old. So you start to get the picture that Kalsey has never really wanted to do anything else but sing.
Kalsey's main influence growing up was strictly country music, because Hudson Bay had only one radio station and that was what it played. Early influences include Shania Twain, Allison Krause, The Dixie Chicks, and other female country artists. Dreams of being able to share her spirit in the same way set off her relentless push to a promising career.
However, not all obstacles are so easily overcome by mere will. Such was the case in 2008, in Alberta, when a energetic young Kalsey learned of her diagnosis of Hodgekins Lymphoma. Six months of support from her family, intense treatment and tacky wigs led to complete remission (thank God) and a renewed clarity for song writing.
At this point I should explain how I became apart of the picture. Through a mutual friend, I was introduced to Kalsey upon her arrival as a vulnerable young artist. Who the hell am I to not get off my ass and help someone who's been through such a tough fight and yet still be willing to contribute beauty to a sometimes ugly planet. Speaking of ugly, our first meeting was at a dingy rehearsal hall that made an ironic beginning to the next three years of my life. Despite the less than charming ambiance, it was apparent that this young lady who had come all the way from Canada to start recording her dreams was something special. It soon became obvious to me that her honest, heartfelt lyric combined with both a positive and sometimes hauntingly sad melodic intuition was reminiscent of 40 years past.
You see, about 40 years ago, I met Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks and knew immediately their music would have an impact on peoples lives someday. No one could've known that two years later, they would accomplish that in the band Fleetwood Mac. In the many years since, I have yearned for another artist that will have the same lifelong impact that both Stevie and Lindsey had. At the same time, I have dreamed of perhaps making one more record that would have the same kind of impact on the world. So rather than succumb to my increasing disability of loss of physical mobility, I surrendered to an 18 year old's desire to fulfill a crazy dream of being a seminal artist in this modern day and age when I really should be bloody retired. Kalsey agreed to start learning basic music fundamentals with me, many of which were taught to me by Lindsey Buckingham many years before.
A girl of 18 who didn't even know who the Beatles were? Wow! I had a complete open canvas in which to raise the bar musically to a much higher standard than that which I believe both modern television and media hype could ever attain.
In the end, it was I that learnt so much more from her about being positive than I could've ever given her back musically. I hope you find the result of our last three years of collaboration a musically satisfying influence in your own life. In some strange and wonderful way, the hardships have become a beacon of beauty to Kalsey Kulyk, a person I am so very proud to be associated with.
Richard Dashut, Co-producer of Fleetwood Mac.
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